Petaluma Healing Center




Do you need support to become healthy?

I am a licensed acupuncturist, acupressure massage therapist, and holistic health practitioner. I would love to partner with you to restore your health and wellness, using these modalities:




You don’t have to live with unnecessary pain.

Whatever type of pain you have, a decrease in pain and improvement in the quality of your life is entirely possible.

You can have more energy and less tension.

If you’re feeling out of balance physically, you might experience fatigue, tension, unusual or recurring symptoms, or a sense of being stuck.

If you’re feeling out of balance emotionally, you might experience anxiety, irritability, vulnerability, or fear.

Many people develop patterns of chronic symptoms which either don’t resolve on their own or are not relieved effectively by medical treatment.



 Reclaiming your health and vitality is within reach.



Acupuncture, Zero Balancing, Acupressure,  Chinese herbs, and Process Acupressure are wonderfully successful at relieving many chronic symptoms. They address the underlying imbalances in your body, mind, emotions, and energy systems.